Saturday, March 12, 2011
funny pics of books
A book you've read that changed your view on something.
Funny Book/Medical Cartoon 008
surrounded by books,
Book Titles You Won't Find at Barnes & Noble!
pimp pimps pimpin pimping book books
Next Funny Picture · Recalled Childrens Books
Categories: Funny Books, The Stupid Pages, Wow Cool
Funny T-Shirts · Funny Books
Gesaku Fiction—from funny books to didactic primers
And I'm inordinately, pathetically grateful to
Top 15 Unintentionally Funny Comic Book Panels.
It's an actual children's book.
Here's the short list for the Raold Dahl Funny Prize for children's books:
Enjoy these seven funny Dr. Seuss parody poems and book covers.
I love to share the funny or lovely books I have run across,
I haven't found a funny book to be this funny in a long, long time.
stock photo : Educational theme: funny teenager with books.
funny books cartoon from July 25, 2007
Sometimes a book cover just speaks for itself. Or rather, sometimes a book